Exercise: The Most Potent Anti-Aging Intervention Known to Science

Exercise: The Most Potent Anti-Aging Intervention Known to Science

Physical activity has been shown to have many benefits for health and longevity and has been referred to as one of the most powerful anti-aging interventions. While exercise can improve health during aging, its benefits inevitably decline over time. Despite this, the cellular mechanisms behind the relationship between exercise, fitness, and aging are still not … Read more

The Power of a Positive Mindset: How Irrational Beliefs Impact Athletes’ Mental Health

The Power of a Positive Mindset: How Irrational Beliefs Impact Athletes' Mental Health

Athletes are constantly pushed to their physical and mental limits, facing numerous challenges and adversities in their careers. From injuries and de-selection to performance pressure, the demands of competitive sports can take a toll on an athlete’s mental health. However, a recent study conducted by sports psychology experts from Staffordshire University and Manchester Metropolitan University … Read more

Study Finds High-Fat Diet May Help Eliminate Parasitic Worms

Study Finds High-Fat Diet May Help Eliminate Parasitic Worms

Parasitic worms affect over one billion people globally, especially in developing nations with poor sanitation. One of the most common parasites, the whipworm, causes long-lasting infections in the large intestine, leading to death and illness in many cases. But new research from Lancaster University and the University of Manchester shows that a high-fat diet could … Read more

Obesity: A Growing Concern and the Quest for Solutions

Obesity: A Growing Concern and the Quest for Solutions

Obesity has become one of the major health concerns of our time. According to the World Obesity Federation, the number of people living with obesity is set to reach one billion by 2030. This has prompted medical researchers to find new and innovative solutions to address the obesity epidemic. In this article, we will explore … Read more

The Dark Side of Ultra-Processed Foods: Increased Risk of Cancer

The Dark Side of Ultra-Processed Foods: Increased Risk of Cancer

We all love convenient foods that are quick, easy, and delicious. Ultra-processed foods, such as packaged breads, fizzy drinks, ready meals, and most breakfast cereals, are popular for their convenience, cheap prices, and often attractive marketing, but a new study by researchers at the Imperial College London School of Public Health warns of the potential … Read more