Do you think your current diet is healthy? If you said yes, you might be surprised to hear that most adults think their diet is better than it really is. Yes, you read that right. Most people tend to exaggerate how healthy their diet is. A recent study by the Agricultural Research Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture found that only a small number of people are able to make an accurate assessment of their diet. In fact, people who say that the quality of their food is the worst are usually the most accurate.
The quality of a person’s diet is a key part of what it means to have food security. Since diets change quickly and there is growing concern about all kinds of malnutrition, it is becoming more important to measure diet quality instead of focusing on energy sufficiency or single nutrients. Tracking individual nutrients isn’t enough to figure out what causes and affects poor health and nutrition, so people are becoming more interested in looking at dietary patterns.
There hasn’t been a lot of research done to determine whether or not an individual’s perception of the quality of their diet is indicative of that diet’s actual quality, despite the fact that earlier research indicated that an individual’s self-assessed health is a major predictor of mortality. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate whether or not a single question may serve as a screening instrument for nutrition studies. In the event that it was capable of doing so, it would take the place of a comprehensive dietary questionnaire that is typically utilized in the field of nutrition research.

The data utilized for the study came from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, which is a survey of adults in the United States that is conducted every two years and is designed to be nationally representative. It was requested of each participant that they fill out a 24-hour detailed nutritional questionnaire and grade their diet as either excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor.
Researchers rated the quality of each participant’s diet based on the information provided in the questionnaires. Fruits and vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, seafood, and plant-based proteins were some of the foods that were considered to be among the healthiest foods available. Refined grains and foods that are heavy in sodium, added sugars, or saturated fats are examples of foods that are thought to be less healthful.
There were major discrepancies discovered between the calculated ratings and the rankings that the participants gave their own diet. A little less than 99 percent overestimated the degree to which their diet was healthy.
According to the study’s lead author, Jessica Thomson, “it is difficult for us to say whether U.S. adults lack an accurate understanding of the components of a healthy versus unhealthy diet or whether adults perceive the healthfulness of their diet as they wish it to be — that is, higher in quality than it actually is.” It will be difficult to determine what knowledge and skills are necessary to improve an individual’s self-assessment or perception of the quality of their diet until we have a better understanding of the factors that individuals take into consideration when evaluating the healthfulness of their diet.