Hip Dips: Expert Guide To Facts And Myths

In the past few years, we’ve witnessed trends popping up and disappearing faster than a fighter pilot’s aerobatic maneuvers! From the questionable Waist Training to the rather self-conscious Collarbone Challenge, and even the cringe-worthy Rib Removal process—having been in the fitness game for two decades, I’ve seen them all come and go.

Just when it seemed like the dust was settling, along comes the latest buzz: hip dips. It’s like the internet has a knack for making us feel self-conscious about a new body part every now and then!

The “hip dip” craze has gained popularity in recent years, but during the lockdown, it became even more of a physical obsession, with the hashtag #hipdips being used more than 50,000 times on Instagram alone. Additionally, 40,000 of you on average look for the term each month, according to Google Analytics.

Ever wondered where this whole hip dip craze came from? Well, brace yourself for the not-so-shocking revelation—it’s mostly fueled by the realm of social media. It’s just another example of how the not-so-problematic quirks of a perfectly healthy body get magnified and teased within the toxic culture of dieting and body-shaming.

We’re all for focusing on our lower halves in a positive way, which includes toning your glutes to accentuate your booty. However, with the internet attempting to legitimize hip dips, all I actually want to provide is accurate information to prevent you from believing anything you read or see on social media.

So, What Are Hip Dips?

Hip dips, also known as “violin hips” or, in fancy scientific jargon, “trochanteric depressions,” are the colloquial term for the inward depression—or curve—along the side of your body, right below the hip bone.

What Causes Hip Dips?

In a nutshell, your genetics are to blame for hip dips. They are comfortingly described to us as a “totally normal anatomical phenomena” by Dr. Ross Perry, the medical director of CosmedicsUK. He says: “They are created when one’s hip bone is placed higher than his or her femur, causing fat and muscle to cave inward.”

The skeletal structure of a person’s pelvis, the width of their hips, and their overall body fat and muscle distribution will all have an impact on how visible their hip dips are when viewed externally, according to Dee Hammond-Blackburn, a personal trainer at OriGym(opens in new tab). For every single body part, that is essentially true.

The important thing to understand is that hip dips are not an indication of being obese or physically unfit.

Hip Dips vs Love Handles

The term “love handles,” commonly referred to as a “muffin top,” describes extra fat that builds up on one’s abdomen’s sides. Since they are situated far higher on the body, near the waistline, they are different from hip dips. However, some people are just more genetically predisposed to having love handles than others, similar to hip dips.

Are Hip Dips Good Or Bad?

It’s a frequent misconception that having hip dips, or not having hip dips, indicates how healthy you are. Hip dips are related to the shape of your bones, as we’ve already mentioned. You won’t be surprised to learn that there is something that cannot be altered.

Your hips may appear different from someone else’s hips, including your hip dips, because of the variety in pelvis forms.

Can You Get Rid Of Hip Dips?

Before continuing, we’d want to reiterate that there is absolutely nothing wrong with hip dips, and that while working out to increase muscle mass and reduce body fat will help minimize their appearance, it won’t totally eliminate them. You should find peace with that.

However, if you still want to get rid of hip dips, what you can do is concentrate on lower body exercises that use numerous muscle groups, such as squats and lunges, and substitute isolation exercises, such as fire hydrants and clams, as needed.

But be sure to concentrate on building your entire lower body, not just your glutes. Hip dips are only one aspect of life, and the same is true for fitness.

Due to the intense amount of booty squeezing, hamstring, hip, and leg work dancers perform, hip dips are occasionally referred to as “dancer’s dents.” We can’t guarantee a ballerina’s butt, but we can give you some pointers on how to tone it.

Are Hip Dips Attractive?

Hip dips, those subtle curves between the pelvis and the base of the thighs, are completely normal and nothing to be frowned upon. They are not some new trendy sauce; they’re a natural part of our bodies.

You see, where the hip bone ends and the thigh bone begins, there’s no muscle or additional bone in between, resulting in these lovely hip dips. And guess what? Every woman in the world has them!

It’s time to break free from the pressure to conform to a specific “hourglass figure” standard. Each one of us is beautifully unique, and that includes our hip dips. Whether they’re more or less pronounced, they are perfectly okay and part of what makes us human.

So let’s celebrate our hip dips and all the wonderful features that make us who we are! Embrace your natural curves, because they are what make you uniquely and beautifully you! Be confident, and let’s spread some body positivity! Hip dips are here to stay, and they are completely normal – just like you! 😊

Here are some of the reasons why hip dips may be considered attractive:

Hip Dips May Impart Athletic Appearance

Hip dips create a shredded and defined look, particularly when someone has been consistently working out at the gym. During periods of cutting (calorie deficit to enhance muscle definition), hip dips become more noticeable and add to the appearance of athleticism. The slight indentation from the side view highlights the hard work put into fitness and showcases a super athletic physique.

They Embody Naturalness

In a world where shapewear and cosmetic procedures are increasingly popular, embracing one’s natural features, including hip dips, becomes a refreshing quality. By avoiding unnecessary interventions, individuals can proudly display their authenticity. This refusal to hide imperfections exudes charisma and appeals to many as it reflects a genuine sense of self-confidence.

Open-Mindedness and Confidence

Embracing hip dips shows openness and a lack of shame or desire to conceal them. Accepting and being comfortable with one’s body, including perceived flaws, leads to increased self-confidence over time. When someone accepts their imperfections, they become more resilient to criticism, contributing to a strong sense of self-assuredness. This self-confidence is attractive and alluring to others.

Notable by Few

Hip dips are a subtle feature that many men might not even be aware of or notice. As such, worrying too much about them can be unnecessary. In reality, most people won’t pay significant attention to hip dips, and they do not define one’s attractiveness. This realization allows individuals to focus on the aspects of themselves that truly matter and to embrace their bodies with greater ease.

Before And After Pictures

While hip dips are natural and even appreciated by many, if you’re interested in reducing their prominence, you can include specific exercises in your workout regimen. These exercises target various muscles in the lower body, utilizing compound movements like squats and lunges. Isometric exercises like fire hydrants and clams can also be integrated for added benefit. Prioritizing these workouts will help you enhance and firm the muscles surrounding your hips, potentially diminishing the visibility of hip dips.

Presented here are a collection of before-and-after photographs that illustrate the progression of hip dip transformations.

Take Away

Hip dips are a completely natural and normal part of the human body. It’s time to shift away from unrealistic body ideals promoted on social media and embrace our unique features, including these subtle curves. Every woman has hip dips, and they should be celebrated as a beautiful aspect of individuality. Let’s break free from societal pressures and embrace body positivity, accepting and loving ourselves just the way we are.

Remember, you are wonderfully unique, and your hip dips are just one of the many beautiful things that make you who you are. So stand tall, be confident, and spread the message of self-acceptance and body positivity to inspire others to do the same. Embrace your hip dips and celebrate your natural beauty!


Rahul is a sports and performance consultant. Over the course of his 15-year career in the fitness sector, he has held positions as a strength and conditioning instructor, gym owner, and consultant. He is deeply committed to assisting people in finding happiness and feeling good about themselves. Rahul has a master's degree in exercise science and is a certified NSCA CSCS and CISSN.

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