Categories: Training

Decline Crunches: How to, Muscles Worked And Benefits

Everyone wants abs, it’s like the holy grail of fitness. The elusive six-pack that we all chase after, whether it’s to impress a significant other, fit into that bikini, or simply feel more confident. But let’s be real, it’s not just about looking good, it’s also about feeling strong and healthy.

When it comes to overall abs development, nothing beats decline crunches. This exercise is a powerhouse when it comes to targeting the lower abs, while also engaging the upper abs and obliques. The decline angle provides an added level of resistance, making the exercise more challenging and effective in building a strong core.

Not only does it help in building abs but also improves stability and balance. It’s a great exercise for those who are looking for a full-body workout to build a strong and toned core. So, if you want to take your abs to the next level, make sure to include decline crunches in your workout routine.

How To Do Decline Crunches

  • Put a bench in a decline position, starting at around 30 degrees and adjust as needed
  • Lie on the bench and secure your legs on the knee and ankle pads
  • With your back against the bench, place your hands lightly on either side of your head keeping your elbows in and take a breath
  • Initiate the crunch by engaging your abs and lifting your torso toward your thighs, keep pushing the small of your back down in the bench to better isolate your abdominal muscles
  • Raise your torso, simultaneously crunching in for maximum abdominal engagement, your chest should come near to your knees at the top position
  • At the top of the movement, contract your abs hard and keep the contraction for a second
  • Slowly lower your torso back to the starting position as you inhale, and repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

Decline Crunches Pro Tips

When performing decline crunches, it’s important to adjust the bench to an angle that allows you to perform the exercise safely and effectively. If the angle is too challenging, adjust it to a slight decline, or if you want more of a challenge, lower the bench.

To avoid injury and maximize muscle engagement, avoid pulling on your neck with your hands, and maintain tension on the target muscles throughout the exercise by not lying down on the bench during each rep.

Muscles Worked In Decline Crunch

During a decline crunch, the primary muscle that is engaged is the rectus abdominis, which runs from just below the ribcage to the hip bone. The muscle’s main function is to draw the chest closer to the hips.

The transverse abdominis, obliques, and erector spinae also play a role in this exercise by providing torso support through isometric flexion.

Benefits Of Decline Crunches

Decline crunches use the abs to push the body off the bench, resulting in maximum contraction, which eliminates the tendency to use momentum to complete the movement.

The decline angle can also be progressively increased over time, allowing for a continued challenge and muscle growth. In addition to meeting aesthetic goals, a strong core is essential for a healthy spine and good posture. The abdominal muscles provide support for the spine, and strong abs can also help manage or reduce back pain.

Furthermore, decline crunches improve core stability. The engagement of the core muscles during the exercise increases overall strength and stability, reducing the risk of injury during other physical activities.

Additionally, decline crunches are a form of strength training that aid in the building of muscle mass in the abdominal region. This muscle building contributes to an overall increase in metabolism, leading to increased calorie burn and potentially weight loss (*do note that doing abs work ‘only’ does not lead to effective weight loss).

In addition to the above-mentioned benefits, decline crunches also improve posture. By providing support to the spine through the strengthening of the abdominal muscles, decline crunches can contribute to better posture, which has a positive impact on overall health.

What Is The Difference Between Decline Crunches And Decline Sit-Up?

Sit-ups and crunches might seem like the same exercise, but they’re not. They’re like siblings, they’re related but different. The goal with crunches is to engage your abs and raise your upper back a few inches off the bench. On the other hand, sit-ups have you lifting your whole torso entirely off the bench and into an upright position.

Now, both exercises are similar and train many of the same muscles, but crunches tend to be the better option for most people. The movement is more productive because it reinforces abdominal activation. You engage your abs, drawing your chest closer to your hips, and lifting your shoulder blades off the bench.

Sit-ups, on the other hand, have a similar objective, but the exercise also involves your hip flexors (rectus femoris, iliacus, sartorius, pectineus, and psoas) to raise your torso in an upright position. Plus, there is barely any tension on your abs at the top of each repetition, making the exercise less effective for core development. It’s like your hip flexors are taking the spotlight, instead of your abs.

Lastly, crunches are better because they are less dynamic and keep constant tension on your rectus abdominis. Sit-ups offer a more extended range of motion, placing more stress on your spine and preventing the abs from doing most of the work. It’s like a solo act vs a group performance, crunches are a solo act for your abs, and sit-ups are like a group performance with your hip flexors taking the lead.

Decline Crunch Variations

1. Regular Crunch

A regular crunch is a simple and beginner-friendly abdominal exercise that can be performed without any equipment. The objective is to lie on your back, bend your knees, and place your feet flat on the floor. Once in position, engage your abdominal muscles, take a breath, and crunch to raise your shoulder blades off the floor.

This exercise targets the rectus abdominis muscle, also known as the “six-pack muscle,” and helps to strengthen and tone the abdominal area. Regular crunches are also a great exercise for improving core stability and posture, and can be easily incorporated into any workout routine.

2. Weighted Decline Crunch

Weighted decline crunches are a more advanced variation of the decline crunch exercise that allows for increased muscle overload and challenge. To perform this exercise, set yourself on a decline bench and hold a weight near your chest or with arms extended overhead.

Use your core muscles to overcome the additional load and perform the movement. Popular options for weights include dumbbells, kettlebells, fixed barbells, weight plates, and medicine balls. This variation is suitable for those who have become proficient in the traditional decline crunch exercise and wish to increase the difficulty level.

3. Decline Twisting Crunches

Decline twisting crunches are a variation of the traditional decline crunch that focuses on the oblique muscles. This exercise is similar to the regular decline crunch, but it involves a slight twist of the torso as you move up, which places extra emphasis on the internal and external oblique muscles.

This variation helps to strengthen and tone the oblique muscles, which are located on the sides of the abdomen. To perform this exercise, one must start in a decline crunch position and as they lift their torso, they twist it slightly to one side, keeping their eyes focused on that direction. This forces the oblique muscles to work harder and provides a more challenging workout for this muscle group.

4. Stability Ball Crunch

The stability ball crunch is a variation of the traditional crunch that uses a stability ball to enhance the exercise. This variation allows for a greater stretch and larger range of motion than a basic floor crunch. The stability ball crunch is a highly recommended training tool, especially for those who train at home, as it provides more options for working out the abdominal muscles.

Unlike the decline crunch, this exercise does not use a decline bench but it’s a great alternative for targeting the core muscles.

Common Mistakes To Avoid When Doing Decline Crunches

Performing decline crunches correctly can result in a strengthened and toned core, but if done incorrectly, they can lead to injury such as a weakened core, pulled muscle, or even a hernia. To avoid these negative outcomes, it is important to understand and practice proper form when performing this exercise.

By understanding the correct technique and using the proper form, you can reduce the risk of injury while reaping the benefits of this effective and time-efficient exercise.

Mistake 1: Yanking Your Neck or Rocking Your Hips Rapidly

Hey, we get it, you’re excited to crunch, but don’t get too excited and start yanking your neck with your hands or rocking your hips back and forth rapidly. This not only won’t target your abs effectively, but it can also lead to injury. So, take it easy and go slow and steady without jerking.

Mistake 2: Arching Your Lower Back

Another common mistake is arching your lower back. This can be a real pain in the back and does not engage your abs effectively. Instead, it forces your hip flexors to do the work. To avoid this, keep your lower back in contact with the bench and initiate each repetition by engaging your abs.

Mistake 3: Performing Repetitions Too Quickly

We know you’re eager to get through your reps, but don’t be in a hurry, performing repetitions too quickly doesn’t lead to better results, it’s better to perform repetitions slowly and contract your abs well on every repetition. Sure, you might do fewer reps that way, but the growth stimulus will be much stronger.


To sum it up, the decline crunch is an effective way to target and strengthen the core muscles. It provides an extra challenge by recruiting the upper abs and obliques and can be made more difficult by changing the angle or increasing the resistance. This exercise can help to build muscle, improve performance, and reduce the risk of lower back pain.


Rahul is a sports and performance consultant. Over the course of his 15-year career in the fitness sector, he has held positions as a strength and conditioning instructor, gym owner, and consultant. He is deeply committed to assisting people in finding happiness and feeling good about themselves. Rahul has a master's degree in exercise science and is a certified NSCA CSCS and CISSN.

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