Acid Stain

Acid Stain

A chemical used to stain the cytoplasm or basic components of cells is called a cytoplasmic stain. These stains are commonly used in microscopy to visualize the structure and organization of cells and tissues. Some examples of cytoplasmic stains include crystal violet, which is commonly used to stain bacterial cells, and basic fuchsin, which is … Read more

Anterior Staphyloma

Anterior Staphyloma

Anterior staphyloma is a condition in which the front part of the eye (anterior) bulges outward, forming a protrusion. This can occur when the sclera, the white outer layer of the eye, becomes thin and weakened, causing the eye to bulge. Anterior staphyloma can be caused by a number of factors, including genetics, high intraocular … Read more

Acid-Fast Stain

Acid-Fast Stain

The acid-fast stain is a lab test that shows if bacteria that cause tuberculosis (TB) and other diseases are present in a sample of tissue, blood, or other body fluid. There was once a lot of TB. But it doesn’t happen much anymore in the United States. In 2014, only 3 cases of tuberculosis were … Read more



Aesthenia is a term that has been used in a variety of contexts, including as a synonym for asthenia, which is a medical term that refers to a general feeling of weakness or lack of energy. It can also be used to describe a lack of physical strength or muscle tone. Aesthenia can also refer … Read more

How To Do Elevated Sumo Squat With Proper Form

How To Do Elevated Sumo Squat With Proper Form

Sumo squats are a lower body exercise that targets the muscles in the inner thighs, also known as the adductors, as well as the major muscles of the lower body including the glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps. They offer unique benefits compared to standard squats, as the wider stance of a sumo squat helps to challenge … Read more